the first two official FOs of my knitting blog:

a felted (maybe not felted enough, but hand-felting is a pain in the butt.) bowl from the "One Skein" book. Yarn is just some obnoxiously joyful neon pink Patons from Michael's. This is my first project ever knitted in the round! Verdict: probably would have been easier if i had actually had the circs it called for, but i'm glad i lost my fear of dpns.

And a delightfully decadent headband made from about half a skein (maybe a little less) of Noro. It just ties w/i-cord, but even that was a joy for me: My first i-cord! How on earth was I knitting such boring things for so long? I just can't fathom it.
Being a lazy, 37-week pregnant woman I'm planning on just knocking out a few more projects from "One Skein" before I start work on a big project. Soon though, I'm tackling my first sweater: a modification of the Fairly Easy Fair Isle from SnB Nation. For now though I think I'll just knock out a few more bowls, a pair of socks and maybe a little felted bag or two.