I've been on Livejournal, in some form or another, since somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000. I've had tons of different accounts and usernames, some I only used for a month or two. The most recent account is one I've used since before James and I got married.
And it's done. I put up some contact information for anyone who was interested, and in a week I'll be deleting the account. I'm going to inhabit this space, Ravelry, and use Myspace and email to keep in touch with people. I have precious few free moments throughout the day and I want to devote them to what matters: creative outlets and GENUINE interactions. Letters and phonecalls and emails. On Lj, all I ever really did was read. And it was addictive. I could zone out reading my friendslist and not have any clue how I killed that much time.
So no more.
Anyway. Time for the fun stuff. :)
Knit Things:
Plugging away on Thalia. As an aspiring designer, it's genuinely educational to be involved with a project at this level. I'm finding myself going: "Oh, that's why!" as I'm working, and I'm taking mental notes. Example: It is so cool to me to watch the "pleating" effect take shape. I'm nearly done with the decrease rounds and it's super cool how the decrease rounds seem to serve the dual purpose of decreasing and making the "pleats" look a bit more organic. (Intentional or not, I think it's neat.)
The current state of things. I'm liking the yarn more as I go along, and I ADORE the color. It isn't anything I have in my wardrobe, and it's a welcome change.
I'm hoping to get a little more done on my Belle cardigan tonite, and then cast on a hat for Sylvia tomorrow. I've got some Paton's SWS that would look beyond adorable on her.
Tomorrow, after James gets home from duty, we're all taking a big batch of donations to the local DAV Thrift, and then we're going out shopping for replacements. Sylvia and James are just in need of regular seasonal replacements, mine was a dire situation.
How dire?
My husband went out and bought me a copy of Tim Gunn's "Guide to Style".
So I purged my closet and dresser. And I purged. And I purged. Four large garbage bags full of clothes and one full bag of shoes. I currently own four outfits and four pairs of shoes. I'm wearing James' clothes today because I'm having to do laundry so that I'll have clothing to shop in.
I'm really looking for basically EVERYTHING, but the main things I'll be looking for:
Dark wash, straight-leg jeans.
Pencil skirt.
A camisole or two.
Some non-ugly tees.
A trench coat.
A great pair of heels.
And my darling husband is nearly as excited about this as I am. I think I'm beyond due for an overhaul. I'm going in a completely different direction style-wise now. I was always kind of vintage-y, a little fussy. Now my intent is something a little sleeker and more modern. Clean lines, spare on the patterns, bold colors. Relying more on accessories than the clothes themselves.
Whoo. And now the tiny tyrant wakes.
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