I got home to find the two of them zonked out on the couch, snoring contentedly.
So, coffee and socializing. Home to happily sleeping husband and child. Schweet.
And then this child:

(Thankfully she isn't as keen on picking her nose anymore. I had to force myself to stop laughing when she did it.)
She's morphed into a demon. Every night it's taken two hours or more to get her asleep. James is lucky if he gets home by seven. We're lucky if she's in bed by nine. James, even when he forces himself to stay awake, will be unconscious by ten thirty. Last night was the worst. And he's got duty Saturday and they're working through Sunday. Yah.
I have been threatening to sell her to a band of travelling gypsies. Now I'm thinking zombies.
Seriously though. I discovered THREE new teeth in her mouth today, so I think that teething+transitioning to the big girl bed=HELL ON EARTH. So tonite we're going to go out for a while and have a little fun. Pick up some dinner someplace and come home and play some video games.
And on the knit-front? Still in the ribbing on Thalia, the test knit. Nearing the end of the ribbing though, and I'm getting excited. And now, since this is prime holiday knitting season, it is time that I order my Ravelry queue. After I get it organized I'm going to order a little yarn. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT HAHAHA. I never do that, but I need to start. And now that the tiny tyrant is asleep I'm going to have my lunch and do some knitting.
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