It's coming along insanely quickly. The body is done and on stitch holders, and I just finished the first sleeve. One more sleeve and then I can join it all together. But as my looooovely apartment complex still has not come by to fix the air conditioner and it's nearly three pm, I'm done working on it for today. I was sweating just knitting a sleeve, PITY ME AAAH. Ha. Anyway.
(It really is hot in here. 80+. I call Sylvia my "smelly melly belly with the belly made of jelly...and today she really is smelly. So am I. Eew.)
James (teh spouse) turns 25 next week, and I've been promising him a pair of handknit socks for eons. They have to be black so he can wear them in uniform, and worsted weight is preferable. I'd knit a single sock in Cascade 220, but never finished the pair. Now I'm realizing that gifting my super low maintenance husband with socks that he can't machine wash is probably a poor idea to say the least, so I'm going to cast on a pair in a cotton blend tonight. Hopefully I can finish them by the weekend so I can hide them in my bag and find a properly amusing package for them for his birthday party. :)
Oooh. Maintenance man is here. Maybe the child and I won't die.
Our a/c died during a heat wave here a few weeks ago (think 100+ degree days). Thank goodness there's a tree right above our apartment, and ceiling fans in the bedrooms.
Turned out that it was a really old (but still truckin') a/c unit and the coils just needed to be cleaned in a desperate way. They were so dirty they were freezing up super-fast and blocking air flow.
Hope you had as quick a fix. :^)
That's exactly what the problem was with our unit! I just wish it hadn't taken literally all day to get someone out here to check it out. We've had problems getting maintenance done here and only signed a new lease because we fully expected the Navy to transfer us before the new year.
Ha. Just found out we'll likely be here through next summer.
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