And it was heavenly. I didn't accomplish much in the way of finishing projects. The Belle Cardigan is still as pictured in the last post, I've only finished one of James' birthday socks...
But who cares? We all had a great time. Sylvia hasn't spent that much time with her father since he got back from deployment several months ago. We spent a lot of time just hanging around the house in our pjs and having cocktails after we convinced Sylvia to go to sleep. (Which was more difficult than you might imagine. Sylvia wanted to stay up and party since Daddy was home!)
But there was some acquisition! After suggestions by people both on Ravelry and at Knitting Sisters, I went to Colonial Fiber Arts in Yorktown and...
Oooh. Just Oooh. I want a wheel.
some wool/mohair blend and swtc soysilk. So yummy.
Also on my plate, I'll be test-knitting a project from Ravelry. see it here:
Bought my yarn yesterday
Hempathy, in a lovely sunshine-y color. I was going to pick a tan color, but James snatched this up and begged me to make it in this color. I'm hoping to swatch during Sylvia's afternoon nap and to cast on after she goes to bed tonite. Cross your fingers for me, everyone.
And I just had to have another keychain when I saw this at Knitting Sisters. Whee.
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